Blog Posts

Intellectual health

The importance of intellectual health is greater than ever

The evolution of the digital age will always lend itself to conversations about intellectual health. A few daily habits come to mind when wondering about intellectual health, including some everyday activities that improve intelligence and reactivate the brain's running system after a long term of night sleep, which helps it work more efficiently. Simultaneously with… Continue reading The importance of intellectual health is greater than ever


4 Nifty, Nutritious Food Swaps

Following extensive studies, research and experiments, nutrition experts across the world have come to agree that crash diets simply do not work - going cold-turkey and completely omitting certain food groups like sugar or fat from your diet may seem like the logical way to improve your nutritional health...yet, these diets can, in fact, have… Continue reading 4 Nifty, Nutritious Food Swaps

Emotional Health, mental health

Emotional Health Matters – How to Improve Emotional Health.

Want to improve your Emotional Health? Read on to discover my top 3 Emotional Health Management tips. When picturing health, your mind may consider the physical, however emotions also play a cardinal role in our well-being. The terms mental health and emotional health can be used interchangeably. However, many times there is a difference between… Continue reading Emotional Health Matters – How to Improve Emotional Health.


Let’s Establish A Relationship.

Nothing can spark my curiosity and imagination like you. Intellectual health is a state in which one strives to maintain good mental health, continue intellectual growth, and inspire creativity in one's life. The expression of problems leads people to develop their coping mechanisms concerning the situation, think and feel about things as they are, engage with… Continue reading Let’s Establish A Relationship.



Having healthy relationships is important for health. I believe that life is wonderful when you feel relaxed and rich, both physical and mental, sometimes we will feel emotionally uncomfortable and get anxious when staying with others and the atmosphere makes us nervous. How to overcome it and make the time is meaningful, follow us then… Continue reading DO YOU FEEL YOUR RELATIONSHIPS HAVE SUFFERED

physical health

How to Make Fitness and Exercise Your Favourite Habits

The year 2022 is already 2 months past, I would like to ask the readers, have you set and started your plans for this year? Has anyone made an exercise plan, bought good exercise equipment but eventually gave up, has anyone made a weight loss or slimming plan but stopped halfway, has anyone planned for… Continue reading How to Make Fitness and Exercise Your Favourite Habits


5 Common Nutrition Myths – Busted.

When you think of nutrition and healthy eating, I’m sure a number of ideas about food and nutrients come to your mind straight away. Carbs are evil… low-fat options are healthier…fresh is better than frozen…the list is probably endless. But what many of us don’t realise is that a lot of these ideas we have… Continue reading 5 Common Nutrition Myths – Busted.