
4 Nifty, Nutritious Food Swaps

Following extensive studies, research and experiments, nutrition experts across the world have come to agree that crash diets simply do not work – going cold-turkey and completely omitting certain food groups like sugar or fat from your diet may seem like the logical way to improve your nutritional health…yet, these diets can, in fact, have the opposite results. Research has found these diets can often be damaging, and lead to raised blood pressure and weight gain.

This has led experts to determine that a more moderate approach to your nutritional health and lifestyle is the way forward – small changes, can make big, impactful and highly sustainable differences.

One method of incorporating small changes into our diet is by Food Swapping – meaning replacing foods with those of higher nutritional value. Here’s 5 of my favorite food swaps that have helped me improve my nutritional health, without compromising on taste or enjoyment.

1. Swap processed, sugary cereal for porridge

Not only does a bowl of porridge keep me fuller for longer in the morning than my favorite cereal, but the high amount of fiber has kept my cholesterol low. Moreover, I can switch up the taste of my porridge by topping it with something different each morning – from cocoa nibs, to fruit and honey, or cinnamon, choosing my toppings makes my breakfast that little bit more exciting each day.

2. Swap milk chocolate for dark chocolate

I will admit, I am the biggest chocolate lover out there, so the thoughts of cutting out chocolate from my diet to improve my nutritional health was devastating to me. But when I discovered the high nutritional value of dark chocolate, swapping my usual choice of milk chocolate for the darker alternative was a no-brainer.

The high amount of cocoa solids in dark chocolate are known for their beneficial minerals, including iron, copper, magnesium and zinc. Moreover, milk chocolate is full of cocoa butter and sugar, which are all foods we should try and avoid. So, swapping milk chocolate for tasty, high cocoa-concentrated dark chocolate is one great way to satisfy your chocolate cravings, without severely impacting your nutritional health.

3. Swap concentrated fruit juice for the whole fruit

Other than coffee, my go-to drink in the morning has to be a glass of orange juice. It is refreshing and tasty, so overall very enjoyable. However, juices made from concentrate are heavily processed – most of the water and essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals are often extracted. So, instead of reaching for the carton of orange juice concentrate in the morning, try eating a whole orange instead. The zesty taste will be much stronger, and I can guarantee it will be more refreshing. Moreover, whole fruits contain much essential fiber, which is highly beneficial for our digestive health.

4. Swap white bread for brown

I grew up eating white bread, so it has always been my first choice. However, I often find myself feeling sluggish, bloated and hungry soon after eating a white bread sandwich. On the other hand, brown bread has the opposite effect – I feel full of energy and fuller for longer after eating brown bread. This is because brown bread is rich in fiber and essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B-6 and E, magnesium, folic acid, zinc copper and manganese. In contrast, the fiber, vitamins and minerals are often removed from white bread during the production process. So, try swapping white bread for more nutritious brown bread – you’ll feel better, and I even think it tastes better!

Let me know in the comments if you are going to try any of these nutritional food swaps!

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